Dresden. Duh.

Mar 29, 2009 23:33

Finished Small Favors. Took longer than the others because, well, I don't have other books to read after that until April 7th... but wait, I lie, I have a pile of books to read plus the books Kamel can throw my way. Whoo!

1. What happened to Michael makes me sad. ;-; But I hope to see him more even if he cannot be there as a Knight of the Cross. I like how he pokes Dresden about faith and whatnot. >.>;

2. Ivy rocks and I was sad about what happened to her, too. Then Luccio goes and supplies more fuel to my never-ending BooFire (there's Hellfire, then there's Soulfire, now there's BooFire, har har har... xD) toward the Merlin. /shakesfist I hope to see more of her, too. And Kincaid. Screw the Merlin's logic! Bah!

3. I am kinda O.o at Luccio hitting on Dresden. I was amused at how the silly boy was oblivious to it at first, too. XD

4. I want Murphy to take up one of the swords. For reals. Go go power Murphy!

5. Okay, the "battle" between Elder Gruff and Harry was lolsauce. Definitely different and it made Harry more awesome because he likes sprinkles on his doughnuts. :P

6. Speaking of swords, Harry has two now, poor guy sees no end to work.

7. Mab is scary. Though, why did she have to talk through Grimalkin?

And there was no excerpt for the next book which made me go, "Wha-wha... nuuuu. ;-;" Then, I went and read a summary of the book and went, "Totally knew it would involve Harry helping him!!! XD"

I can find an excerpt online, but do I really want to tease myself with it? >.>;;;

Anywho. T'was a fun read, had plenty of laughs along the way, and Harry is still awesome.

dresden, lolz, wee, shinies, books

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