Nov 25, 2006 19:13
Just when you think thing couldn't get worse, life kinda kicks you in the balls.
There's really no easy way to say this, but I just found out my dad died. To tell you the truth...i'm taking it kinda hard. He went peacefully in his sleep.
I know I've not talked a lot about my dad, but I guess it couldn't hurt to talk a bit about him. He wasn't your average dad. He was 40 years old when I was born. I never really got to do the normal things kids do, play catch or build a fort. I did, however, get to go to his job sites and play around cool power tools. Awesome for a 10-year-old!
A veteran of the Vietnam War, he was honorably discharged from the marine corp and worked as a carpenter in our hometown of Pennsboro, West Virginia most of his life.
My parents divorced when I was 10. It was pretty hard on me. I was bounced back and forth between them, a year with dad...a few with mom. I really didn't mind it much, I was just a kid. When i was 14, I decided to stay with mom. I didn't really start visiting dad until I started college. I visited once every two or three months. After I left college, it got harder and harder to find time to visit. Last time i visited was a few months ago. My brother and I went up to his cookout. It was pretty awesome. I was planning to visit on Christmas.
When all is said and done, I hope that someday I can be half the man that my dad was. Just like anyone else he had bad parts to his life. He was an alcoholic. Not like partying alchy...but really scary drunk. I guess he was dealing with a lot of demons and pain that I just couldn't understand. He was a good man. He worked hard all of his life, took pride in what little he had and loved his children very much. For all his faults, he was still my dad and I will always love him.
I miss you dad.