Well it's nearly that time of year again. Time to dust off the frisbee and fling it into another summer of good times and better booze. Actually I am looking down the business end of a barrel o' work this summer. Gotta get some stuff paid off and save a bit of money for
Dragon Con. It's gonna be seriously sweet. The cast of Serenity is going to be there. I am not leaving until I get Lou Ferrigno's signature! Traci Lords is there as well...meow!
In financial news, I'm about to take my Break In Service from the Post Office. They fire me for five days and make me wait around to see if I still have a job. Nice right? Yeah it'll be a good chance for me to play a serious bit of WoW and get some studying done. I have a man on the inside that is getting me a job at GameStop. It's only 15 hours a week, but I get a sweet discount on games and it supplements the income a bit.
With too many repairs to make and too much debt starring me in the face, I am faced with a serious decision. Should I sell the D Machine to pay off my credit card? On one hand, it is and has been reliable transport. I haven't had to depend on anyone for a ride. On the other hand, there are too many repairs that need to be done to it. In selling it I would be saving some money every month in gas and insurance that i have to pay and I would have a paid off credit card to use. Once I'm back on at the REC, I can just walk to work...or take a three minute bus ride. It is quite the decision to make.
Well, that's about it for now. Gonna go get some grub and hit the shower.