May 01, 2011 22:39
I feel kind of bad I never post here anymore. But, I never have anything "post" worthy to say. I tend to just say random things most the time which is simpler to do on Plurk.
There's not much to say, despite not having said anything here since December. I beat Ar Tonelico 3, and have yet to finish Ar Tonelico 1 or 2. Am planning to scan tactics 9 and 10 this weekend. Will probably re do 11 as well and make them properly cleaned up for scanlation purposes. Will probably try and scan some other Kinoshita stuff I have as well.
I sort of feel like one of the few people not pissed off at Sony right now. I feel their doing the best they can and I'm sure my credit card info is fine, as there has been no weird activity with it. I'm also not worried about any user name/password combos being used anywhere as I don't share a username and password combo with my PSN account anywhere else. I am a little annoyed that netflix won't work without the PSN online but I can live without it. My laptop and PS3 are connected to the same monitor so it doesn't make a huge amount of difference if I stream from the laptop or the PS3.
I've been in the mood to do several craft type things, and... I think I really want to get them done and together by next year. I want to make some little hats. The sort you have with loligoth and maybe have some steampunk aspects to it. Going to make them out of paper and stuff. In fact I just found 3 books of wallpaper samples that are perfect for it. I'm also going to get some washi paper and make Japanese style versions with origami decorations instead of like normal bows out of ribbon.
The other things I want to make are plush dolls. I need to make a prototype to see how that may pan out, but I'm pretty sure I want to make a bunch if I can make them well. Was thinking of maybe making Touhou plushies or something. But in the end it all depends on how decide to make them and what I can manage.
Third is I want to do a doujin. And not my normal "I want to do a doujinshi for fun" but actually do something with it. I found a place that will publish stuff, you don't get a whole lot back, but considering half the time I would just offer it up for free anyway why not try and sell? Maybe I can convince myself to try harder that way and actually put together something good.