Dec 03, 2010 15:43
I didn't get to take advantage of the NIS sale like I wanted to. At least I got the art books they were offering, which was a pretty good deal. 15$ for the Trinity Universe and Sakura Taisen 5 books they offered with pre orders of those games. The Sakura Taisen one is still available as a set with the game in the store, but it's like 50$, and ever since NIS moved their store from Rosenqueen the shipping has been a bit more pricey than I like. It pretty much adds about 10$ to any order, so I've been hesitant about buying that set. But, now that I have the books on their own, I can look for that game elsewhere, and Trinity Universe sold out period anyway.
Still, I should have nabbed Ar Tonelico II, it was 15$....