
Sep 05, 2009 09:20

I think I'm going to start updating at least once a week in the form of +/- bullets *laughs*

+ I woke up this morning and was in the mood to listen to musicals. It's GREAT, and honestly just kind of random.
- I checked my bank statement yesterday. Next month's credit card statement is looking to be as disgusting if not more than I was expecting>_<
+ I've finally finished half of my first art project. It's a weird project where we take a square, cut pieces out, and flip them out to form a design. I'll upload the picture at the end of the entry. Some of my classmates' were REALLY awesome. It makes me jealous. I have a hard time doing random shapes, so my 'inspiration' is pretty obvious.
-Since moving into the apartment I've been waking up with sniffles. I think I'm allergic to something? Because I feel fine and it's only in the morning. Maybe it's my family never keeps the AC on all night and we do here at the apartment? I have no idea. 
+3 day weekend! who doesn't love that. I've started watching Heroes. *laughs* well "started" I watched the first disc, but the next few have been checked out at Hastings so it might be a little while before I get to watch more *sulk* It's better than my first impression of it? I guess the episode that I skipped through when it first came out wasn't the first episode it was labeled to be *laughs* Anyway, I'm still waiting to see Sylar and Zachary Quinto in another role besides Spock.
-My leg is still being weird. I don't think I ever wrote about it, but basically I somehow screwed up something in my back that traveled down my leg, my sciatic nerve. =\ I started physical therapy for that this week. I almost feel bad for my therapist? My pain tolerance is really high, so I'm not sure if what I'm telling him is helpful at all. Also, I'm sure my descriptions of my 'symptoms' just suck. It doesn't help that they change so often I guess. Like I can be standing and have the pain blocked out and then I shift my weight a miniscule amount and it'll twinge and start irritating me. *shakes head* Well, the place it hurts seems to have changed a little. So, maybe that's a good sign. *shrug*
+Speaking of my therapist. He cracks me up. I think he's really attractive, but he just seems so randomly dorky and awkward. It makes me smile.
- Now I'm listening to Manau. Not as cool as musicals, but definitely amusing. French rap with violins? it's just awesome/hilarious =D
+ I got my eyes checked so I could reorder contacts since mine from... a year maybe 2 years ago? are gone *laughs* My prescription hasn't changed from January which is good. But I think it's slightly exciting that my optometrist decided to change it so that both eyes have the same prescription. Both will be -1.00 instead of my left eye being -1.25. *laughs* I'm a dork, but I really does excite me *laughs*
-/+ The WEIRDEST thing. *laughs* There's this guy in my art theory class that is look-a-like of my ex. It was just really weird. *laughs* the idea of being in the same class as my ex didn't bother me so much as COMPLETELY baffle me. I just started the art school. He should be graduating this year. So there's no way we should be taking the same classes. Anyway,  I probably gave that poor freshman some really confused looks *laughs* Either way, I need to have a new relationship it's been too long *laughs*
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