Sep 22, 2008 23:02
woah~ a double post crazy *laughs* I'm just that bored. and I guess I'm dealing with my "runner's high" *shakes head* I really hate working out, but for some reason I still end up dragging myself to the Y *sigh* And it's always weird that after a while the endorphins finally kick in and then I'm awake *sad face*
School started.... August...25th? or something like that. *siiiiigh* Senior year. Hopefully. I'm just exhausted. At this point I think I'm going to take my Zoology-Biomed degree, my Japanese and chem minor and run. I want to get out of school... buuuut I'm going to apply for the JET program so I don't think escaping school is in my future and if I don't get in I'll probably be studying my ass off for Grad schools and what not. No fun either. My classes are interesting I guess. It's the first semester I've taken two Japanese classes at the same time... and for one of them I'm only in class one of the two days ... so I'm having to meet the teacher on the side to make up for not being in class, but I guess it works if I end up getting my Japanese minor a semester earlier. Senior Seminar is going to kill me. There's way to many scientific readings that my brain will eventually explode. Mammalogy...I really... don't all. I don't like the idea of killing animals to study and skin them. I almost preferred the dissections because at least those animals were already dead? and not specifically killed for the purpose- or at least that's what I remember hearing about the cats... the others I'm not sure... but It's better than having to skin a euthanized lab mouse and going on a trip to catch animals. I'm still not comfortable about it. But I don't know what to do about it. Cell Biology sucks. Whoever heard of a science class having 5 essay questions as a test. the teacher is also a HORRIBLE lecturer he never makes any sense. He also babbles about random things at the beginning of class and then holds us AFTER CLASS so he can finish his lecture. So... I'm actually hoping he has "fun" with my handwriting, since the essays were his brilliant idea....I feel mean... but still I can't get over the fact that it was 5 essay questions. *rolls eyes* BUT on a happy note at least there's eye candy in all of my classes this semester. I guess that's some sort of plus. *laughs*