Title: Seeking Light
Pairings: Kyuwook, Minwook, Eunhae, Kangteuk, Sihanchul, Heeteuk!friendship ( a lot more later, i promise)
Rating: PG13 maybe ( i'm not sure anymore)
Summary: Kyuhyun was born and raised as a member of the Dark Society, an organization where death and killing were inevitable and violence was part of life. Not even as he left
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the shooting session reminded me of a scene from 'Mr. & Mrs.Smith' movie when they went out for a first date, John won a prize for Jane, and then she tried shooting too and won a bigger prize. lol
Sungmin is a professional antagonist, so tactful and good at acting despite his lame action.
and what our smexy protagonist ultimately said in the end was so cold, CHO KYUHYUN!!! how could you say that frankly!!
I feel pity for Wookie D:
why you sound desperate. hey don't give in easily. so long as you do something with wholehearted intention, it's always good for you.... and for readers. ;)
just continuously keep up a good work like this. don't force yourself too much if you don't feel like it. and let focus only on the useful suggestions. :D
thank for updating, at least you shared this story to us though you felt bad about starting it.
Oh, gomennasai about making Ryeowook childish here...he's not supposed to be but then again i got carried away...typical Uli...hehe...but i'll bring him back to normal after this chapter...i hope Part D would make it a bit straighter...i'm such a cluts...gomenne
yeah, i remember now the Mr and Mrs Smith movie...that part of the movie was funny XD...i almost forgot about that...
thanks for reading the chapie <3
i don't know if it was such a good idea to make this fiction but then again, i'm gonna be the one who's gonna feel incomplete if i don't finish what i already started, right?...
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