Nov 15, 2004 10:07
I would like to take this time to apologize for certain things.
I suppose at times I have been no more than a stubborn child but my head has cleared. I was going through a very stressful time and didn't know how to deal with it. And yes, there was more going on than just the apt. issue. Because of all this I guess I became more of bitch than normal. I can't apologize for anything my parental units have said or done, that's their buisness. But I'm just so tired of all of this. If I had the power to I would turn back time and sit down and talk things out, but I can' we'll settle for this.
Matt and Jessa:
I'm going to have to sub-let. I just can't afford what your trying to make my new rent. If you would like to discuss it please call me. If I could afford it, I'd stay, but I can't. I have no idea when I'll actually be out of there though so forgive me if I just swing by every so often to pick up things I need/want. Oh...and the reason I didn't come to that party is that we had family over and I hadn't gotten to see them in a while so I wanted to stay and visit with them.