Jul 03, 2009 00:17
[heh, I kinda like using lyrics as my subject. I should do it more often]
Pre-Calc ended today
Had the final
Got a 100
Got an A in the class
So maybe I won't end up being that doctor who has to whip out her TI to do some simple conversions. ...ah who am I kidding, I ain't convertin' shit.
Anyway, the 00 Fic exchange is due by the end of this month. I only remembered when I got that email yesterday...or two days ago. Iunno, I got an email though. I have the scenario in my head...I wonder if I can stretch it for the word length. Eh, I'll probably get to it next week. All the other exchange fics I did were last minute, and people liked it. -points at Harvest Moon, Pokemon, Naruto-
Also, on July 4th, I'm so finding that one entry I did last year about how FOX says that America is the shits and reposting it. Because it amuses me so much.