I usually wait to download the episode and rewatch it before blogging about it but! I managed to like this episode a lot! The MOTW was interesting, and I have no complains about it going over the episode. Also they managed to make major headway on the O'Dell murder case which is really good, compared to the last few episodes that were marked by a lack of progress. Die, Mindy, die! I don't like her one bit.
I'm sort of done with L/V for the moment, and I was a little tired of emo Logan so I was very glad at the end that he, you know, didn't jump off the balcony. Heather is an awesome, you know, for an eleven-year-old, and the whole Logan-and-Heather thing was really cute and I bought it. Heather is already tons of awesome just for helping Logan find his way out of his angst bucket. Dick and random party girl was also really in character, but the best Dick scene this episode? Locking Logan out on the balcony. Hah!
The incredibly awkward elevator scene? It had everything. There was a little bit of irony and a ton of awkwardness ("hey"), but to me it really hit all the right emotional notes. It was also humorous because Heather was there, wondering why Logan isn't confessing his undying love and eventually getting tired of the silence to the point where she ends up declaring Logan's feelings for him. Which made me laugh, made me hopeful, and broke my heart a bit. I was holding my breath through the entire scene. Then Logan yelling at Heather afterwards, just sealed the deal with a good dose of angst. Yeah. Oh, and the song request on the radio to Veronica? It's definitely something she would do and something I would understand. I'd have done the same thing, because that's like opening new wounds. (And on second thought, embarrassing.) But when she lets Tina assume she was still Logan's girlfriend? A moment of true Veronica HATE.
I decided I don't want Logan and Veronica back together, at least not yet. KB really hit it right playing a post-break up Veronica and JD is almost never off his game. I hope to see some resemblance of the old Logan back and if that package doesn't include Veronica as his girlfriend then so be it because I really, really MISS him. My nightmare = Piz/Veronica in happy puppy love while forlorn!Logan looks at them and mopes in dark corners. Speaking of "Pizonica" though ("LoVe" was a horrible portmanteau, but not horrible enough apparently), I think it was TV guide that said it was official. I don't hate it because I can't be bothered about them to hate it. Right now, I don't care. They don't mean anything to me and I won't watch the show for it, or stop watching the show because of it. Unless it gets really bad, but then again, there's that 0.00001% chance RT pulls out his magic wand and makes me like them. Jesus, saying that left a bad taste in my mouth.
I also read in this other interview that RT will tolerate a lot less bad behavior from Logan now because his idea of Logan has changed since, you know, the early episodes of Season 1. He claimed that he will never have Logan assemble a bum fight again. I guess that's what happened with Dick's character, too; and while Dick had a hand in Veronica's rape, RT and the writers refuse to clarify how much of the responsibility should lie on Dick. Maybe some people will see it as a cheap excuse -- I know I do -- because it was meant to make it easier to enjoy Dick's character as the goon. Whatever.