It must suck for you all when I get bored~ :P

Aug 06, 2010 04:21

Trying to just knock a bunch of these out of the way cuz I have nothing better to do (I'MCHEATINGLOL~)

Day01: My favorite song
Day02: My favorite movie
Day03: My favorite television program
Day04: My favorite book
Day05: My favorite quote

"If I scream, scream, scream
About a good man's life
Would you ever stop and listen?"

-Scream, Scream, Scream by Ludo
One of my favorite songs by Ludo (and in general). If you don't know it, it's, at it's most basic, about how most popular songs are about teens complaining about what they think pain is without getting too deep, while no one listens to deeper songs about good people doing good things. It's less whiney than I just described it so just.. just go listen to it xD; I love these lines in particular because you can relate it to nearly anything in today's world - music, news, magazines, stories... all we get and all most people seem to want is sadness, pain, anger, hate, war, etc. You almost never see the happy things in life in the paper or the news, but why not? Why isn't that news?

Also, my fav funny/silly/stupid quote has to be this:

"Would you kindly put a bullet through your head with that?"

This one's from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai, which is easily one of my favorite anime. I don't really wanna spoil anything for people who haven't seen it, so that makes it a little hard to explain this quote... xD;

In or out of context, this is just one of those lines that require a double-take. It's just so out-there ridiculous that it's awesome and makes for a totally awesome insult, too, if you ever have a (toy)gun with you to hand someone 8D

Day06: My biggest pet peeve
Hard to say. I hate a lot of things... xD; Buuut I'm gonna go with "people who are way-too-oblivious." It's fine for someone to not get most jokes or have little common sense or something like that. What I'm talking about are people you give very clear and direct signs about something and they just don't notice. I'm talking about when you practically have a flashing banner over your head that says "NO, STOP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING" (or when you actually say it to them out loud) and they just don't realize what they're doing that's wrong/annoying.

I have a friend who is much more out-going and spontaneous than I am, which is totally fine, but sometime I just don't feel comfortable being dragged into things like she enjoys doing. I don't always hate it, but it does get really annoying when she's being WAY TO PERSISTENT about her plans that she doesn't see the absolute DREAD in my face as I come up with every lame excuse there is to avoid whatever her plans entail (because if I say I don't like her idea or I don't feel like hanging out, she seems to either get offended or think I just need more convincing D:< )/ One thing that really bugs me about how oblivious she is is when she will make sudden plans to visit (she lives a state away) and ask if she can stay at my house. I'm fine with that, but my parents hate her. I've outright told her my parents don't mind me hanging out with her but they DON'T want her at my house, but somehow she thinks they'll be totally fine with her now? I don't understand her reasoning on that one and can only assume she forgets about this repeatedly.

Don't get me wrong, I love this friend. But she's one of those friends who I could never, ever, ever live with because I would end up killing her in her sleep one night 8D

Day07: A photo that makes me happy


LOOIT THEIR LITTLE KNOBBY KNEES AND DERPY FACES AND OH MY GOD, I REALLY, REALLY WANT ONE. No, I'm not even kidding, I have wanted a goat for years, and when I'm older and on my own and all that, I'm going to do my best to get a house with a nice, fenced in yard and seriously look into getting two little goats~ :D I'm gonna grow up to be my town's "Crazy-cat-lady-that-also-has-goats-for-some-reason" 8D

Also pics of baby sloths (OMG SLOTHS ♥), kittens, puppies... really just about any baby animal. I am a girl after all 8D

Day08: A photo that makes me angry or sad
Day09: A photo I took
Day10: A photo of me taken over ten years ago
Day11: A photo of me taken recently
Day12: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day13: A fictional book
Day14: A non-fictional book
Day15: A fanatic
Day16: A song that makes me cry
Day17: An art piece
Day18: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day19: A talent of mine
Day20: A hobby of mine
Day21: A recipe
Day22: A website
Day23: A YouTube video
Day24: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day25: My day, in great detail
Day26: My week, in great detail
Day27: My month, in great detail
Day28: My year, in great detail
Day29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day30: Whatever tickles my fancy

meme, ranty, im not crazy

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