
Dec 15, 2008 01:29

Spell Turning

The Spell Turning abilities protect you from magic. They are quite powerful, but they also have many drawbacks. Spell Turning is inborn to a given bloodline. No practitioner of magic can ever sire a child who has Spell Turning, and vice versa. Spell Turning is a fluke mostly among warecats and cannot be learned or taught; you must be born with it. Thus, you must begin with Spell Turning I to ever gain the more advanced levels. If you have Spell Turning, you can never be the target of any spells or rituals, not even the beneficial ones. You can never be healed or protected with magic in any way, nor can you ever cast spells or use magic items. Your Spell Turning power is always on; you cannot turn it off to benefit from a spell. Your blood loses all of its Spell Turning properties when it leaves your body, so it cannot be used to coat weapons or poison mages. Remember that these abilities are primarily defensive. However, you are still safe from any kind of blood magic, and your blood can never be used as a spell component, except for your Heart's Blood. Your gift of magic resistance is highly visible to those with aura perception. Anyone using this ability to examine your aura will automatically see the washed-out tones indicative of anti-magic. Spell Turning is rare out side of the warecat bloodlines, and there are those who will hunt you down to use your Heart's Blood against other mages. Beware.

  • Level 1
    Basic - You have a natural resistance to magic. You can attempt  to bypass Wards and similar magical defenses without taking damage.
  • Level 2
    Intermediate - Your defenses against magic are very strong. Even if you are targeted by a spell or ritual that normally allows no challenge to resist it, you may engage the caster to escape its effects. Any aggravated wounds you take from magical sources are treated as normal wounds instead. Minor magical items can be rendered harmless for as long as you are touching them.
  • Level 3
    Advanced - Your resistance to magic has reached truly monumental proportions. You are totally immune to magic of any sort and cannot be targeted by spells or rituals. Even if you are in the area of a blanket spell, you will be unharmed. You can temporarily shatter wards simply by walking across them if you can defeat the caster in a simple magical test. You can negate active rituals on a person by touching him (in combat or otherwise.) Once you break contact, the magic is reactivated. Even powerful magic items are rendered impotent while in your grasp, and you can actually destroy minor items with a touch.
  • Level 4
    Elder - This powerful ability creates an effect similar to that of Level 3, but the nature of the anti-magic powers is different for each individual warecat. There are several different abilities once you reach Level 4. Regardless of which brand of Level 4 you choose, certain powers are common to all warecats with this rare gift. You can destroy minor items easily if you overpower the power it took to create it. To destroy more powerful items, you must over power and permanently expand energy against their creation bid. True artifacts and relics cannot be destroyed so easily, although they can never directly affect you in any event. Some of the most common option abilities for Level 4 are shown below.

Aura: Your Spell Turning extends in a ten Foot radius around you, and any mages or magical items in the area will be subject to its effects. All the normal rules for Spell Turning still apply, and you can choose to cancel the aura at any time.

Barbs: You can endow a melee or ranged weapon with potent powers against magic. By wounding your victim with the Barbed weapon and winning a simple magical test, you saddle your target with a Spell Turning effect. The Barbs will prevent him from using any magical spells, rituals, or items, just as if you were personally touching him. This condition lasts until the Barbs are removed by completely healing the wounds. You can make as many Barb attacks per evening as you have the mental energy to do so, and it takes thirty minutes to prepare the Barbed weapon for use.

Bouncy: Whenever you are directly targeted by a magical effect (but not blanket spells such as a Fire Storm), you can engage the caster in a simple magical test. If you win, you can redirect the magic to any other point within its range. You cannot be affected by the magic in any event.

Sponge: Whenever you encounter a magical effect (such as a Ward or even a blanket spell like Fire Storm), you can engage the caster in a simple magical test. If you win, you can absorb the magic and draw upon its power. You can store up one spell for each of the spell caster's levels in that particular elemental magic. You can retain up to twelve of these spells at a time and then use them. Once they are depleted, you can begin to store them again, if circumstances permit. You can only Sponge spells from actual combat or defensive spells cast by your enemies

Sticky: By touching your victim, you saddle your target with a Sticky touch of Spell Turning. This will prevent him from using any magical spells, rituals, or items, just as if you were personally touching him. This condition lasts for as long as you can focus on it completely. You can make as many Sticky touch attacks per evening as you have will.

Stealth: You can handle magical items and walk through enchanted areas without negating them or creating a noticeable disturbance, although you will not be affected by the magic in any event. The sole purpose of this option is to conceal the fact that you have Spell Turning.

cio, rp

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