Soo i’m back from Paris, where i’ve been from 25th to 27th for the Comic Live convention + meeting loads of friends *//7//*
I was with my dear friends Saspy, Flo and Nilli,
It was just soo nice there, the weather was kinda hot, even though it dared raining for few hours ò[]ò)~ ..apart from that, we were able to move around and walk perfectly.
Paris 14 metro lines are so scary! xDD thank you maps!
The comic fair was very nice, even if little. There were several good artists selling their own goods, so it was a very particular fair~ I didn’t buy a lot of things ç7ç but i managed to buy 2 sketch commissions of my OC from 2 good artists! *7* so happy for that!!
Aw also, we had a drawing meeting in the hostel and yay i got some sketches from my friends *3* sketch exchanging makes me so happy ♥
Anyway the best thing of it all was to meet some of my friends from Poland (Goku -
kyuuyu -,
radditz and
alatherna ♥) and a dear friend from Japan (Miso♥) too!
There were also few people i met for the first time, like
atiko , Zimone (not sure how it’s spelled xDD), Natalie, Megu, Elk, Mesiaste~ I’ve been so nicely with them all and now i really miss them!! ç3ç
Ew i wanted to write more but of course when i start doing it, i just don’t have particular ideas T.T’
Anyway, here photos come! XD
Big photo collage of the group ♥ some photos are from the convention also ^7^
Food can't just be missing! We've even been in a japanese restaurant XD
And here's sketches from friends + commissions of my OC ^7^ ♥
In order from left, 2 sketches from Miso, Ivan by Alatherna and my OC from Goku~
From left to right, my OC by Joss, by
Sanoe and (again) by Goku xD
And at last, some purchasings and gifts i got! *7*
Lol this thing scared a lot of friends xDD i find it so amusing!! XDDD
And that's all, sorry for huge post ^7^' ♥♥
I hope to meet all friends again sooner or laters .w. ♥