~006 [Voice//Action]

May 20, 2009 13:03

I wonder how the others are doing back at Ivalice, kupo...

[Here's Hurdy sitting underneath a tree near the lake, doing one of his oh-so-random performances again. He's using his lute once more and is now playing this wonderful tune. Oh yes, his music can be heard through the journals by the way.

Everyone's free to listen or interrupt his lute ( Read more... )

!voice, lute, ~rydia, !action, pre-minamimoto nabbin', music tiem, hurdy the animal attractor, ~flynn, kupo, ~hotaru

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capital_justice May 20 2009, 07:43:38 UTC
[Well, Flynn wasn't exactly nearby when he heard the song, but it surely attracted his attention to find the source to listen a little better. He'd certainly heard quite a bit of music lately as he was walking around Luceti, so why not stop by to listen?

So, don't mind the curious knight listening in nearby. Not exactly hiding, but trying to not be distracting either. Yeah. That makes sense. \o/]


kuposongs May 20 2009, 10:59:46 UTC
[/is strummin the lute. Do not disturb.]


capital_justice May 21 2009, 04:19:22 UTC
[Well, Flynn will just wait for him to finish before starting a conversation, or something. He's enjoying himself enough, anyway.]


kuposongs May 21 2009, 04:21:38 UTC
['Kay he's done playing. Y hello thar! Have a wave from Hurdy, and also a sharp glare from the woodland creatures that surround him.]


capital_justice May 21 2009, 09:57:21 UTC
[Don't worry. Play it cool, and the creatures shouldn't attack, right? Right?]



kuposongs May 21 2009, 10:00:43 UTC
[There's a 50% chance they might. O: All they wanted was to hear more of his music~ ]

Hello kupo! Did you enjoy my music, kupo?


capital_justice May 21 2009, 10:01:54 UTC
[Flynn can defend himself! He's hardcore like that!]

Yes, I did. You're very talented.


kuposongs May 21 2009, 10:06:30 UTC
[Oh good. We better finish this conversation quick or the cute little critters will devour spread rabies ...you get the idea. D| ]


[Hurdy's pom-pom on his head starts to wiggle a bit.]


capital_justice May 22 2009, 04:22:34 UTC
[Yeah, of course-- What the hell is that.]

Um, may I ask what... that is on top of your head?


kuposongs May 22 2009, 08:35:57 UTC
Oh, my pom-pom, kupo?

[Wiggle, wiggle]


capital_justice May 22 2009, 09:04:11 UTC
Yes, I've... never seen that before.


kuposongs May 22 2009, 09:05:38 UTC
Kupo-po. It's just something that only moogles have, kupo.


capital_justice May 22 2009, 09:07:49 UTC
A moogle?


kuposongs May 22 2009, 09:13:49 UTC
A well-known race in Ivalice, kupo.


capital_justice May 22 2009, 09:15:00 UTC
Ah. I see.


kuposongs May 22 2009, 09:17:28 UTC
I guess you've never heard of moogles before, kupo?


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