About "Frank"

Dec 02, 2005 03:33

After about a week with Time To Be Frank in the can, I think I've got my thoughts a bit more in order about it. I am really very happy with how it turned out. Not just happy with the way it came out for all of the things that I feel were out of our control, but I actually genuinely feel like we have a good final product. I still feel like we're capable of more, though. So that being said, it's a good feeling having done something well, but still feeling like I can do better. I don't hate the cartoon, I'm not hating on the cartoon, and so on and so forth

Thanks for everyone who had kind words about it.

I think my initial negativism about the final product came from this: I'd never before written anything that then got taken out of my hands and really hardcore developed by someone else. This isn't to say I wasn't involved with the production, but I wasn't in charge of it. Not that I have anything wrong with that, it was just a different experience. If I want to write professionally, though, I've got to get used to this. I think when things started to come back looking different than how I'd intended I sort of beat myself up for not making them clear enough in the script (hence the "decent to mediocre" line). I think with the next cartoon we work on, though, this won't be an issue becaue there will be storyboards before any animation happens. So that'll be good.

But even with the next project, I won't be directing everything, so I need to get used to this for now and for... well, forever. It's important to walk away from this realizing that just because something is different than how I wrote it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. In this case, even, it turned out pretty well.

In other news, CIC is gonna rock some socks.
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