8 Happy Things for 8 Happy Days: Day 3

Jan 27, 2009 20:54

Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
Do this everyday for 8 days without fail.
Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.

Day 3
1. Helping a woman find the Rizal Library
2. Remembering the person who left her USB and returning it to her
3. Eating Fish, buying a Folder and getting Food (for snacks HAHA)
4. KitKat chocolate!!
5. Theology class (more quotable quotes!)
6. Dinner with Anne at Sicilian!
8. GoNuts Donuts (:D)


I tag:
1. Nigui
2. Sophie
3. Anne
4. Angela
5. Tasha
6. Maika
7. Tommy
8. Pat

I finished early today! Yay! :)

list, happiness, joy, life

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