Meaningful, meaningless dream

Dec 04, 2010 08:53

I had dream last night about St. Peter's.

Roger or someone else who hadn't been before was with me. We were standing outside the doors and getting ready to go in. They were all all excited, and so was I. This was the first church in Rome they were going to see, and I was a little upsett thinking none of the other churches will be impressive after this one. We open the doors expecting to find the impressive exaspanse of space, and instead there's all this draping and stalls. They're booths selling various religious otherwise related articles. The stalls made everything feel crowded and closed off, nothing like St. Peter's. I remembering trying to see the church through it all, trying to make my way to the baltincio (sp?), and see the size of it. The person who was with me was still impressed, but also wondering where the stuff was, and I was trying to show it to them. Finally up around the sancturary there was some cleared out space, and somehow we got up around the coupla on the inside and were able to look down. Almost the whole place was covered in these blankets and sheets that made these stalls. I tried describing St. Peters without them to whoever it was. Then I remember being back on ground level and other fellow UDers were there too, but not specified. I was angry and I clearly remember thinking these people are like the money changers in the NT and saying things like "I remember when this happened a long time ago, I think I should get a stick too." (for some reason I thought Jesus used a stick, not a whip). I talked to some people about why they were there now and not when I came before, and it had something to do with time of year and Church season.

Despite the obivious possible layers of meaning in this dream, I don't really feel like this dream means anything, or is that signifigant. It's just the first dream I've remembered in a while.
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