Gundam Seed Fanfic Index (detailed)

Apr 14, 2007 01:42

An updated index of my GSeed fanfiction.

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Gundam Seed Fanfiction by kuonji

(detailed listing) (alphabetical listing)

See alphabetical listing for summaries and word counts only.

Title: The Fight
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Athrun Zala, Lenore Zala
Pairings: none
Category: drama
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: none
Words: ~3850
Pub. Date: 2007/11/23
Summary: Athrun has a fight with the Yamatos' son, for reasons that neither of the boys are old enough to fully understand.

Title: Enemy Lines
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Dearka Elfman, Mwu La Fllaga
Pairings: none
Category: drama, character focus: Dearka
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: through episode 55
Words: ~3540
Pub. Date: 2005/12/22
Summary: Dearka crossed his arms and gave La Fllaga a steady look. He saw both smugness and camaraderie on the OMNI officer's face, and Dearka was hard put to decide which of the two he was feeling himself. 'I'll work on it,' he said.

Title: Defiled
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Kira Yamato, Athrun Zala, Cagalli Yula Athha, Lacus Clyne
Pairings: none
Category: humor, crack!fic
Rating: G (or depending on your imagination)
Spoilers: through end of the TV series
Words: ~1470
Pub. Date: 2005/11/12
Summary: Kira is feeling Defiled. Violated. Unmanned! Athrun just finds the whole thing pretty hilarious.

Title: Sleeping With The Enemy
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Ssigh Argyle, Kira Yamato, Athrun Zala, Cagalli Yula Athha
Pairings: Kira/Lacus, Athrun/Cagalli, Ssigh/Fllay
Category: drama, character focus: Ssigh
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: through end of the TV series
Words: ~2180
Pub. Date: 2005/10/6
Summary: The day after ZAFT pilot Athrun Zala appeared in front of the Archangel, Captain Ramius assigned him a bunk in the room that Ssigh shared with Kira. 'You don't mind, do you,' Captain Ramius asked, and Ssigh could only shake his head, no. Ssigh observes.

Title: Sleeping With Friends ~ Stay
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Kira Yamato, Cagalli Yula Athha, Athrun Zala
Pairings: Kira/Lacus, Athrun/Cagalli
Category: drama
Rating: G
Spoilers: through end of the TV series
Words: ~2020
Pub. Date: 2005/10/17
Summary: It is after Yachin Due and everyone is collecting themselves together. A companion piece to Sleeping With The Enemy.

Title: Boxed In
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Athrun Zala, Yzak Jule
Pairings: none
Category: humor
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: episode 5
Words: ~3030
Pub. Date: 2005/9/30
Summary: I've always wondered what would happen if you took Yzak and Athrun and shut them up in a small room together... A not so serious look at the two Klueze squad rivals.

Title: Trapped
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Miriallia Haw, Athrun Zala
Pairings: none
Category: drama, character focus: Milly
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: through episode 41
Words: ~2500
Pub. Date: 2005/9/20
Summary: "This is Athrun Zala from C block elevator 3. Our elevator has stopped unexpectedly. Requesting a status report." Milly looks at him strangely. Fancy reporting an elevator malfunction as if it were a battle log. Miriallia and Athrun have a talk.

Title: Moving On
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Athrun Zala, Kira Yamato, Cagalli Yula Atha
Pairings: Athrun/Cagalli, Kira/Lacus
Category: drama, friendship
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: through end of the TV series 
Words: ~6900
Pub. Date: 2005/8/18
Summary: Athrun is ready to begin a new life, starting by moving out of his old house with the help of two friends. They all find that this involves rearranging more than just boxes.

Title: Five AUs That Should Not Happen
Fandom: Gundam Seed
Characters: Kira Yamato, Murrue Ramius, Athrun Zala, Mwu La Fllaga, Lacus Clyne, Cagalli Yula Atha
Pairings: Athrun/Lacus
Category: humor, parody
Rating: G
Spoilers: episodes 1, 5, 10, 39, and the epilogue After
Words: ~1780
Pub. Date: 2005/9/3
Summary: Exactly what the title says... A parody in five parts.

type: fanfic index, fandom: wilby

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