Due South/C6D Fanfic Index (alphabetical)

Jul 01, 2011 20:48

An updated index of my Due South and Canadian 6 Degrees fanfiction.

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Due South/Canadian 6 Degrees Fanfiction by kuonji

(detailed listing) (alphabetical listing)

Stories chiefly from Due South and Wilby Wonderful; also Men With Brooms, Trigger, and The X-Files: I Want To Believe.  See detailed listing for pairings, categories, ratings, etc.


Cursed (~1560 words): Ray Kowalski is an earthquake, a hurricane, a tempest that drags Fraser down to his trembling knees.

Descendants (~3750 words): Fraser makes a discovery.  [Crossover with Battlestar Galactica]

Didn't See That Come-Around (~640): When Stella first heard the rumors about what Constable Fraser and her ex-husband were doing, she dismissed them as laughable.

Duets (~1070 words): He was Ray. He was Ray. He was Ray.

Good Morning (~2690 words): Fraser had a mean poker face and a heavy streak of sarcasm that most people wouldn't expect, to look at him. He tried to think if he had done anything recently that was bad enough for Fraser to want payback. What the frick is going on here?

Hazards In The Discount Aisle (~670 words): Frannie would never have guessed it, but Diefenbaker made an excellent shopping buddy.

Must Needs (~1710 words): "He must nedys go that the deuell dryves."  (John Lydgate’s Assembly of Gods, circa 1420)

Pack Of Lone Wolves (~1500 words): Diefenbaker is not a wolf.

Show Time (~320 words): Ray's going to stop pretending.

The Phoenix And The Turtle (~2950 words): "Some guy did a poem that I liked," he blurted. He hadn't been sure he wanted to talk about it. He wanted to share the experience he'd had, but he couldn't bear to ruin it if he couldn't describe it right.


Getting There Is Half The Fun (~1260 words): Duck scowled at the containers of cream and sugar on the counter.

Innocence (~1690 words): In the town Buddy grows up in, there's a boy named Duck...

Points In Common (~28,460 words): Buddy isn't the sort of person Duck pays attention to normally. He's just not part of Duck's crowd. Life, however, has a funny way of not turning out how you expect it to.

side story This Didn't Happen (~1410 words): "I was talking to Sandra yesterday. ... We're going to throw you guys stag dos."

side story Say The Word (~380 words): It's a word that Buddy's heard many times.

side story Looking Forward (~11,350 words): In October, Duck asks Dan a question. It takes longer for Dan to ask him a question back.

side story Cooking For One (~3870 words): Sandra's mum made the best chicken pot pies in town.  At least, that's what Sandra always thought.  The meat was tender, the vegetables fresh but well done.  The sauce was a perfect blend of richness and spice.  She spent half an hour cutting and braiding the dough into picture perfect lattices that came out flaky and fluffy and deliciously buttery without ever becoming too heavy.

side story Multiple Choice (~1190 words): Dan rolled off him, exhausted and sweaty.  "Hey, Duck," he said.  "Want to get married?"  Duck, already half-asleep, said, "Sure."

side story What's Important, Part One: Calendar (~5900 words): How Carol counts the days...

side story What's Important, Part Two: In The Doughnut Hole (~4250 words): It seemed utterly ridiculous, but... she decided she was willing, one last time, to close her eyes and leap, and see where this took her.

side story Hugs And Kisses (~1780 words): His name is James, but his parents call him Jim or Jimmy.  Daddy tells him sometimes that he's named Jim because Mummy said she would divorce him if he named Jim, 'Huckleberry'.

side story Jimmy (~5810 words): Buddy... thought about it sometimes.

misc. story Free Day (~2400 words): "Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms ..."

misc. story Calling It Quits (~1080 words): In which Buddy cheats, Carol tries to kill Duck, and Dan approves.

misc. story Consideration (~680 words): When Dan goes to visit his parents, Duck is left somewhat at loose ends.

misc. story Long Sleeves And A Sandwich (~2720 words): Duck was first in the door when they got back, the stink of the airport still all over him.

misc. story Asking (~2100 words): Dan has large hands.  Duck's always known that.  Large hands with hair on the long fingers, warm even though his face is so pale, mostly smooth but just calloused enough to drag across Duck's skin and make him shiver. Duck comes to a realization.

misc. story Five Things That Didn't Happen To Buddy French (~2240): Buddy French has a dream. And then he has a few more...

This Is Not A Love Story But A Story About Love (the Worldliness remix) (~3580 words): Duck was the one who reached out first -- but Buddy was the one who held on until the last second.

What Choice? (~11,740 words): Dan knew something was wrong as soon as he got home that day.  Duck tells Dan something that he's not sure he can live with. [AU of Points In Common series]

What MacDonalds Do (~3800 words): It was two months after the scandal at the Watch when Walter MacDonald brought his... boyfriend? lover? partner? beau?  Anyway.  It was two months after the scandal at the Watch when Walter MacDonald brought Dan Jarvis home.
Wilby, Wonderful Wilby (~10,080 words): One quiet, tumultuous, hopeful, everyday afternoon and evening, after the events of the movie.


Weirdness All Around (~320 words): Some things just don't change. Or do they?  [Crossover with "Wilby Wonderful"]


Sellout (~1030 words): She'd started calling him 'Bill' when he made agent.  She'd thought he would appreciate the token of... respect.  Dignity.  Whatever.  She wished she hadn't, because everyone else still called him Billy.


Faith (~2580 words): "I don't want to die.  Fuck, Janke--"  For the first time, Janke saw Franz cry.  For long minutes, he heaved like he was about to vomit.  Then he blotted tears and mucus from his nose with the sleeve of his cashmere sweater.  "I don't want to go to hell."

type: fanfic index, fandom: ds, fandom: wilby

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