login.bml calls LJ::challenge_check_login which lives somewhere that declares it as being part of package LJ.
i found challenge_check though and the first time it was introduced was in revision #1.619
the following is a diff between the two:
http://cvs.livejournal.org/browse.cgi/livejournal/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl.diff?r1=1.618&r2=1.619 all of revision #1.619 can be seen at:
http://cvs.livejournal.org/browse.cgi/livejournal/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl?rev=1.619&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup the functions that deal with the challenge/response stuffs are auth_okay, challenge_generate, challenge_check, hash_password, and md5_struct.
so. that might give them a place to start. not sure if any of that information can be used as i've been informed that specific code help is not allowed, so, this might be good to have as a comment on an entry that the user might be instructed to post in a community that deals with this kinda stuff.check for comments on
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