went to
rathanylakan's for more painting.
yay painting.
evil plan as planned:
- rathany drops me off at btc
- max home
- pack toys
- max and walk to vampireborg's
- do vampireborg's dishes
- rathany picks us up on the way to jic's to watch firefly
evil plan as actually happened:
- rathany dropped me off at btc
- my bank cards didn't like me and wouldn't buy me a ticket
- called jic to see if she could come rescue the poor mikey from being stuck in downtown beaverton
- mikey gets jic going all the wrong directions in downtown beaverton
- jic finds mikey
- jic drives to 217 and takes 26 east
- mikey had intended to go home... (for those of you unfamiliar with oregon highways, 26 west would have gotten mikey home)
- jic and mikey show up at vampireborg's
- the 3 of us chatted about random stuffs and jic went home due to having work way early in the morning
- mikey does vampireborg's dishes
- mikey tries to get vampireborg's laptop to connect to the internet
- mikey fails
- vampireborg goes to sleep
- mikey hijacks borrows vampireborg's desktop to lj
altered future plans:
- rathany picks up vampireborg and mikey
- the 3 of us go to my house
- mikey packs toys
- the 3 of us go to jic's for firefly watching and possibly some rvb watching too
- rathany goes home at some point in time (most likely)
- jic, vampireborg and mikey go to jic's church
- the 3 of us return to jic's house
- mikey is either maxxed to home or elmonica to meet up with mom, dan, mom's sister, and mom's sister's kids to hang out cuz i havent seen them for forever and a day