Yeah, so I guess it really is impossible to pull one over on people when, after a big, romantic trip with one's girlfriend, one calls up one's friend "to catch up" and "share some big news." They see right through one, guess it on the first try, and jump right to the "Oh, are you getting married?"
Uh, why yes. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do happen to be getting married.
Here's what happened: The train had left East Glacier and was pulling through the verdant Rockies at rosy dusk, when Yon Faire Ladie cuddled up next to me on the too-skinny seat looked at me and said, "When we get back, let's get married." And I tried to look thoughtful for a minute and then said, "Okay." Then the train went into a tunnel. The end.
See, we're romantic when it counts, just not about the whole wedding rigamarole. Many people are, including some of our dearest friends, and that's a perfectly fine way for them to make it meaningful. As far as we're concerned, we could be just as committed to, loving with, and supportive of one another regardless of our status in the law's eyes. And so, while we want to solemnize our relationship in front of a handful of our close family, we don't see much reason to create a big traditional megillah. Instead, the idea is to go ahead and do the marriage thing sooner rather than later, then have a potluck/jam-session/party in DC and in WV to celebrate with our friends and relations. That's our idea of a good time.
Does this make me a "fiancé"? ::shudder:: I guess, but it'll only be for a week. Whew.
And let it be said that I couldn't be happier with the new relatives I'm gaining, nor with the wife who has chosen me. :)
ps. for those perceptive readers who actually noted the subject line, yes, we have been considering writing vows in LOLcat. O HAI I DOEZ CAN I HAS WIEF NAO? OMG ROTFL and so forth. alas, once we get down to it, I fear we will have to leave that Concept for a couple even web-dorkier than ourselves.