Nov 08, 2005 21:24
ELMCC pleadings are DRAFTED, that is, DONE for now. 5-6 densely-packed pages for each side, fully footnoted and bibliographied. Article 95(1) legal base, Article 95(2) exceptions, subsidiary status, subsidiarity, proportionality, attribution, duty to give reasons. BOOM. FINITO.
I'm still waiting on Lauren's and Sean's drafts of their parts. We have 2 days to revise each others' drafts, then send back the mark-ups for revision Thursday, and meet Friday to discuss revision and assembly. Be busy beavers over the weekend, upload by Tuesday. Then it's REALLY FINITO, at least until we get the word that we're going to the Regional Finals (fingers x'ed) and have to start prepping for oral arguments. ;)
AND I finished Family Law for tomorrow, AND I'm a third of the way through the massive F'ing Copyrights reading. AND I took half an hour to do the gerbil thing on the bike downstairs to (a) burn off a little bit of the last two days' cheeseburger sluttiness, and (b) get the endorphins cruising after a whole day indoors.
Basically, I'm on fire.
law school