I have been amusing myself by browsing through the freeware and shareware offerings Apple is presenting for our use.
This morning I downloaded a little program called "Scribblet". It supplies an instant sortable notepad on any or all of my Spaces. On it, I can set up mini files to hold any items I want to have instantly to hand like passwords used frequently. When I close the app, it automatically saves all I have on it. Nice. And for free, too! Another useful item is the Savvy Clipboard. Instead of one save overwriting an earlier one, this app holds any number of saves for as long as you want them. You can call the desired save to the top of the clipboard and paste it where you like. No save is ever jettisoned unless you choose to delete it, which is perfectly easy and simple yet not likely to be done by accident. These two additions, especially the Savvy Clipboard, have made life much easier and more convenient. Scribblet is so much more useable than the Stickies.
I have also written another sestina, coming ever closer to what I am wanting to say. I replaced the Envoi in Threnody III. I decided a different repetition pattern would serve the meaning better and work more smoothly.
I am waiting for the new novel to come from Book Depository. It will probably not get here before next week, but one may hope. It will feel odd to read a novel of the period after all the non-fiction I have been stuffing into my head. I fear I may be becoming hyper-critical in that era because so many of the facts are so fresh in my mind. I also renewed my membership in the Richard III Society, purely to get the publications and to have full access to the library. I am not much of a joiner but this seemed a no-brainer.
Well, back to Threnody V. I think I am as obsessive as that poor madwoman with the octuplets and the six other offspring. Just in a different mode. Or meter. Or world.
I have the first stanza - the end words set. I am a stubborn one.