Jun 07, 2011 11:57
[Door opening is apparently a very dangerous thing lately, what with them going to places they shouldn't. Luckily this one was at least at ground level rather than some meters in the air.]
[It was very strange to be stepping out into the middle of a town in the afternoon when he had been inside an office until now] Ah... [Wait, why did something about this seem vaguely familiar?]
[He turned around to see that the door was completely gone, only to be even more confused and lost as to what just happened. I-I guess.. the only thing to do left was maybe look around a little, cautiously walking forward now]
[And.. orite, some people may want to comment on why the fuck a princeling had a Black Hawk uniform right now. Because that was something of all sorts of wrong.]
07g: hyuuga,
07g: haruse,
07g: mikage,
07g: lab,
07g: teito,
07g: frau