Rant- The threads are wearing thinner...

May 30, 2009 00:21

I can't believe what I heard from my mother.

I planned on calling home tonight/last night, since it was what I always did to keep in touch with my family. What surprised me was, they called first; they planned on going out of town to have a trip in a hotel for one night, so they called to let me know, so they wouldn't miss my call.

I also had to ask my parents about my passport renewals, since I couldn't connect to the website with the schedules, I wanted to ask them if they still wanted me to renew them or not. Prior to the phone call, my uncle was helping me with finding the website for foreign passport renewals, and he was telling me that it wasn't exactly necessary for me to renew my US passport, since I wouldn't be leaving the country in a long time, whereas my other passport was an understandable emergency.

So I asked my mother whether they still wanted me to renew both or not, this is what she replied:

You need to reply both, regardless whether you'll need it or not, because if something comes up, you won't know and it'll take too much time for the process to be done. What if I die here, and you have to come for my funeral huh? You need to come back for my business, and take care of the funeral, otherwise, you don't come back at all.

After her last sentence, I was stunned at the sheer audacity. My own mother, had just threatened me with another of her 'funeral' stories. I'm pretty sure she knew that I was a sucker for those, because of my previous history of reacting horribly to one when I was young, and if I wanted to bring that theory further, she was using my weakness against myself.

I held of to the receiver quietly, while I heard my father yelling in the background to not be so insensitive, not use such harsh language, and he took the receiver from her. He made it clear that the conversation was over by summarizing everything up, with a last few requests, said good night and hung up.

I'm very upset and disappointed with my mother. She wasn't like this before, and I'm willing to bet it's all because of my grandmother's influence working its poison though my mother's head.


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