don't know/won't know/don't know/won't know

May 03, 2006 03:58


I don't want to sound like a stupid fanboy here, but...okay, if you INSIST, you little minxes, I will. I was actually going to write this on, um, not Wednesday at 4 in the morning, but TUESDAY at 4 in the morning 'cause it woulda made more sense. Now, this entry is just like, late -and- pointless.

Anyway, let's back to the truck up to EL MONDERO. Ari finally writes back to my e-mails (FINALLY, FUCKER) after like, 5 years and actually GAVE ME A PHONE NUMBER THAT WORKS. The hilarity is that I tried to add it to my phone under "Ari", and I already had an entry. Then "Ari May" and nope, another entry. So I finally added it under "Ari Is Naked" and lo and behold, we have a THIRD entry for Ari that hopefully this time will work.

So anyway, I'm spending my lovely monday using my...wait, let me count...okay, I have -four- bottles. I was using my four bottles of Afrin like they were fucking bags of cocaine and/or heroin and playing Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (in preparation for the other PS2 Castlevania, the newly cheap one.) and Killzone, because in Killzone it's just really fun to kill everything just because you can. It was like:

1. Whip enemies for 3 minutes.
2. Snort 6 shots of Afrin.
3. Explore dungeon for 10 minutes.
4. Six shots of Afrin.

Eventually there was this one point where I snorted my Afrin and my heart started beating like, really fast. No arythmia, though, so WHO CARES?! I'm alive, nigger.

See, I started on this Afrin thing because in the hospital, the EN/T guys stuck the good ol' camera up my head (because two weeks earlier blood was coming out of my nose and I was sneezing blood and blood clots. attractive, I know. mmmmmm.). So they move it around, and they see that oh, that bleeding was just a sinusoidal hemmorhage that I don't need to worry about. But oh, in other news, your sinuses are perforated, ie. they're full of holes.

So THAT'S why I can't breathe through my nose. I blew it out doing drugs! ha ha ha ha ha. The doctors didn't ask WHY I had holes in my head, but I assume the nailpolish on my finger and toenails, as well as haircut and makeup kinda tipped them off to "shhh...this kid PROBABLY HAS DONE DRUGS".

Fucking racists.

Me: "I look good in my nailpolish and makeup."
Ari: "Wait, let's talk about this makeup thing."
Me: "Why?! I'm allowed to wear makeup if I want to!"
Ari: "No one is allowed to wear makeup if they end up looking prettier than me."

SEE. Let me wear my fucking eyeshadow and suck my dick while you're at it, naysayers. Ari understands.

Wow, I went off on a HUGE tangent.


Anyway, resuming from the start of my entry, I had to go into the city at 7 and stop by work to pick up my pay. Let me tell you, carrying around, um, [edit: unnamed amount of money] and not even being able to close your wallet and having to store it in various other parts of your clothing is

a) fucking awesome
b) fucking awesome
c) i'm rich, i don't need ANY OF YOU.
d) actually, i need someone for sex, and then i just need my money. interested?
e) please apply in the "comments" section of this entry.

So anyway, I pick that up. And I run some errands, get a Strawberries and Cream frappucino (SHUT UP, I'm EFFEMINATE AND A METROSEXUAL, WE ALL GET IT, BUT WHO GETS THE LADIES? I DO. SUCK. MY. DICK.) and I decide to go to Tower. I call up Ari again and as I get there, I'm like, oh fuck man, it's May 1st and it's the Midnight Monday sale for the new album!

...and it's...ten...PM.

So I had a cigarette (SHUTTTT UPPPPP LET ME HAVE ONE ONCE IN A WHILE) and then forced Ari to talk to me for a while, where we reminisced about the old Yahoo webcam chats and...oh, god, remember the AOL Gothic Music chatroom, dear? And we'd just go in and start shit just to piss everyone off while laughing behind their backs in IM? God, I was like, 17 back then, man.

I know this entry is Ari-heavy, but I haven't talked to the douchebag in FOREVER, let alone on the phone, and it made me happy. Can't I be happy? Thank you. So let me gush.

Anyway, we made an e-mail deal (which I soooooo don't want to do..ughhhhhhh) and I'm about to fufill the end of that, where I have to write her a GIANT E-MAIL. So I hung up, and hour to kill until 11:45.

I did this by looking at their Tartan video selection. Which is AWFUL. See, I'm a huge fan of foreign, especially Asian (Korean, Chinese, Japanese) horror films, like Whispering Corridors, A Tale of Two Sisters, Memento Mori, etc. and I've gotten MORE Tartan shit at TLA video for 6.99 than at Tower, where they charge you 30.99. However, I STILL HAVE NOT GOTTEN MY HANDS ON A COPY OF OLDBOY BECAUSE IT'S SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE IN THIS CITY.

If you want to get on my good side, send me a copy of Oldboy!!!!! I NEED IT FOR MY COLLECTION. You can get my address from me, you know how.

Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. I'll send you pictures of my penis. Naked.

Anyway, I went outside at 11:30 and I look...NO ONE IS THERE. Finally, ten minutes later another dude shows up, and we're like "dude, we so overshot this." THEN ten minutes later all you hear down the streets is "TOOOOOOLLLLLL!!!!!!" and this MASSIVE CROWD COMES UP. Luckily, I met a lot of really fucking cool people while waiting for them to let us in, and they recommended a lot of good music. And apparently the line was even bigger than the NIN line, which was so big they had to turn people away.

Anyway, the whole point is that while I already HAD the album in MP3/M4A format, there's nothing like listening to it on CD, you know? And the packaging is fucking AMAZING. It puts every single other package to shame, EVER. And for only 11.99? HELL YES. I'm listening to it right now, on repeat, and it's I dunno, I think it might be my favorite Tool album. Except for the last track.

But Rosetta Stoned is fucking AWESOME. So is The Pot.


Anyway, um....I don't have much else to say. I'm going to go back and play some Castlevania. The good news is I think my body is adjusting to the Coumadin (warfarin, blood thinner, etc.), because I'm not feeling as godawfully sick as I have been the past two weeks (hot flashes, throwing up, etc.).

In Palecurve MUSIC news, I'm going to be adding another FOTW track to the myspace/palecurve page.

I also found the original, meaningful, lyrics to "My Portrait In Ice" and I'll be using those instead of the temp ones I wrote. Although I think I'm going to write new music for them, since they just...don't fit the song I originally wrote like, 7 years ago or whatever.

I also wrote a new song last night. But I don't know if it's better as an instrumental or what. I think it's going to go on the EP. I need someone to listen to it and let me know. If you want to, please leave a comment.


Okay, I'm going. All of you, be good. Bye.
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