
Jun 14, 2011 01:07

First, I miss posting so much!! I'll start what the purpose of this post is after this.

I can say that I'm a drama-holic. I've been watching so many dramas. Whenever a drama comes to the end, I always think that "what if our lives were like dramas, after those ups and downs, I wonder if there will be a happy ending? (I'm referring to those happy ending dramas)". for the time being, my life has been up and down so much, so fluctuated, therefore, I really wanna know what the ending of my life is like. Is it good or bad? Happy or sad?

I don't know if it's only me or who else that do the same way as I do. There is always a perfect image ending of my drama-life but will that image be able to happen? Or just keep as an imagination? /sigh

Anyway, it's 1 am already, I'd better go sleep now. Otherwise, I won't be able to wake up in the morning!!

So, good night world~!

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my words, via ljapp

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