Mar 25, 2007 22:52
oh my god today the cutest girl scout came up to me and asked if i wanted to by some girl scout cookies and i just couldn't resist and i bought a box of samoas. like i was going to pay her exact change (it was $3.50) but then her mom asked me to give the girl a $5 so she could figure out how to subtract the change. and she then she smiled so big when she finally figured out it was $1.50 and when she said "thangyu fer buying sum cookiezzz!" you could see all the little teeth missing from her smile.
i promise i'm not a child molestor. though sometimes i wonder how the boy scouts ever raise any money. because they don't have a tasty cache like the girl scouts do. quandary.
so i watched the science of sleep last night please go see it it is my new favorite movie okay bye. i kept getting so attached to the main character stephane, like pretty much everything he did (except when he started acting lewd and gross and crazy towards the end) i kept thinking "oh wait, stephane, be my best friend." moral of this story: most adorable movie ever.
mother and i agreed that we need to renovate my basement because i basically have no place in my house worth having people over in. i mean, my room is cool and all, but you know, it's kind of small/usually a dumpheap. so i plan on gutting out all of the old toys i never use and dumpy furniture (except my mom is really intent on keeping this totally dumpy sofa we have down there that looks at least forty years old) out of my basement and turning it into awesomeville. feel free to offer your fantastic interior decorating suggestions.
i'm thinking of growing my natural hair color out again. because i'm tired of having to re-dye my current color every time it fades and starts to look gross. i can always do colorful bangs or streaks when i feel like it for fun, but having to re-do my whole head all the time turns it into fried pine needles. which is, you know. not so attractive.
i discovered pictionary today and it's kind of a cute game. someone play it with me sometime. or magic: the gathering.