Oct 12, 2006 00:11
- I've discovered I'm generally really terrible at stringing guitars. Help?
- I've been getting kind of Pudgy McPudgester, so I've spent every day this week walking from (and sometimes to) school and it's generally pretty satisfying.
- The other day some girl came up to me in CVS whilst I was looking at shampoo and asked me if I was a boy or a girl so I decided to make fun of her [disgusting, glow-in-the-dark-neon-blue, appallingly applied] eyeliner for a good five straight minutes and it was also pretty satisfying.
- I love my new headphones/the same ones Amanda's had for over a year and decided not to tell me. They're so pink and magical and retractible-cord-ulous and built-in-volume-control-tastic and I feel like I'm in some kind of 80's music video whenever I wear them.
- Momma wants me to take the PSATs this year, which might be totally ridiculous because a) what the fuck, I'm a sophomore and b) what the fuck, I'm a sophomore, but whatevz. I think I'll do it anyway just to get it out of the way.
- Last night I was so happy that I went to bed at 8 PM, but then Harry decided he needed to call me multiple times in the middle of the night just to tell me something totally pointless and then I couldn't fall back asleep. Damn you, Neff (justkiddingiloveyou...most of the time).
- Photo is generally just such a fun class. Ms. Y is so cute, I just want to hug her whenever I see her.
- I'm thinking of switching into geometry because IMP is just totally pointless this year and I really don't like Mr. Lawrence that much at all and Kim (crazy, vaguely Alex-Harwood-esque girl who sits across from me) drives me absolutely bananas/makes me feel mega-awk. So there.
- Physics class is slowly turning into Waste-the-whole-period-telling-bad-jokes class. Love it.
- Someone made a Pfau Family group on Facebook! No actual members of my fam are in it (luckily), but there are sooooo many other Pfaus on Facebook it's crazy. Also, all of us finally have a place to discuss our "EVERYONE MISPRONOUNCES OUR LAST NAME" stories and it's so fun. Only problem is I have kinda a crush on Lars and Ben Pfau, but I feel like that's somehow mildly incestuous.
- Bomb Squad is so much fun I just can't even explain it. Once you get the hang of it, doing steps gets so addictive and you start doing them in your sleep and it's like AAAHCRAZY (Jeez I am articulate).