Nova Bunny's Game Ryuugaku!?--ノヴァうさぎの げーむで 留学?!

May 18, 2007 20:29

Another game my mom bought for me is called Nova Bunny's Game Ryuugaku?! (I don't know what ryuugaku is. Will ask Sensei (teacher) tomorrow). It's kind of odd really. There's this bunny with a beak that never opens his eyes (what the hell is up with all the creepy bunnies lately?) as the mascot for the game. It's a bunch of mini-games made to teach Japanese kids English. There really is a lot of Japanese involved, including a bunch of words and kanji I don't know, making playing the game a bit difficult. It's also very repetative, which isn't something I like in a game. You have to get 100% in every mini-game before you can "move up a grade level", meaning you have to play each game many, many, many, many times. Some of the games are fun... but there comes a point when I want to move on, you know? The graphics are decent, though rather strange, considering the bunny with a beak that doesn't open his eyes. I like Happy Kitchen much better.

5/10 (It's kind of pixelated... and don't forget the bunny with a beak and eyes that don't open)

N/A (There isn't really a tutorial for me to rate)

Game play:
5/10 (It's not really horrible and some of the little games are fun, but, like I said, it's very repetative)

今日に ノヴァうさぎの ゲームで 留学を あそびました。  ちょっとへんな ゲーム でした。  あのゲームで うさぎが あります。  でも、 ほんとに へんな うさぎ。  うさぎが とりの くちばしが ありますので、 目が あけません。  ゲームで いっぱいの ミニーゲームが あります。  日本語の こどもに えいごおいしえてるの ゲームです。  グラヒクは いいです。  でも、 ちょとへんです。  だから、 あのうさぎが あります。  私は  しあわせキッチェんの ほうが すきです。





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