the best part of cross country is not the running...but the bus rides!

Nov 10, 2004 18:34

hah...^ so true. so yeah..went to northfield mtn to get a feel for the rice put it. the boys are asses..lo... thy are all like "go run through the finish line" and Ivan is like "no..copme srecth" I came and streched and they weree like "aww..go! noW! run through the finish line damit!" I'm like "no..savin it for know we rool in clues!" they told me I could take on emliy bourdioues (sorry..sp...)from longmeadow..and I'm like "yeah..right...maybe if i was a RUNNER!!!!" i think i really hit it off with this senior from agawam. as I was running the course after the second mile, I dropped behind the pack and then agawam came runnig up behind me and they passed me but this one kid, kept up with me and we talked for like half the course. he was really nice and we talked about the course, XC, track , swimmimng, some people from agawam that I know and he knows and what hope i see him on saturday...but yeah..when I was runnig with him, i said "ya know..this isn't even my sport>" and he says "ohh..why? are you a track star?"..and I was like "naw..swimmer..the coach of XVC is also my history teacher this year ad last year and my swm coach and he said XC would be good for me" then he was like "'s a new experince" so then we talked about christian spear and i guess he's changed a lot. I haven't seen him for three years..but yeah. I guess Agawam's not that bad. if i see him on Saturday..he'll def get the digits. yessiree...Ivan got the digits harhar.

matt and tongue and justin are too much. so they are all crawling on the bus floor and matt crawls up to rice and grabs his leg and rice spazzes out and is looking everywhere for w/e grabbed"yes, you have been punk'd tiffany!" was on the par-took in the stuck his jew-fro-comb in my with stabbing me with his thinks it is hilarious that maura wants to be a and amanda and matt had a slumber pary today and joe found those little mushrooms that explode is a puff of podwer and i have those in my backyard..but apparently they are just a "hick" now i am a hick with boobs f"knee of steel" has nothing to do with sexual he gets out you woman...fetch me a sandwhich.

i know the words to baby got back..yes!

g2g..cold pizza for dinner.

sorry about the last post. pretty agnry when it was written..but emo's do pis me off. lol

good luck otnight at the play heather!

sore from running but hopeful in the love department,

what is this about a pasta party tomorrow at Aj's?
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