Nov 04, 2004 14:23
So, I before mentioned that there was less and less skin on my belly button ring every day. Well, the goddamned thing popped off this morning. When I woke up(mind you I was even wearing pajomas and being careful) there was only a dingly little bit on it and when I got into the shower the damn thing came off. Forty fucking dollars down the drain. So this thing on my belly now looks like a little mouth. I have two large skin callouse type things and in the middle I have soft red muscle tissue. It kinda looks like a little vulva. to find ways to treat it without letting it scar. I knew that fucking bastard was incompetant. My father always told me to follow my gut instinct. I was not nervouse at all when I got my nipples done and they went fine. I was scared and even mildly shaking when I got my navel done. Hmmm...GODFUCKINGDAMNIT...I should have bought food or something. Anyway...the nipples hurt like a bitch but healed nicely...the navel didn't hurt at all and the fucking thing falls out. If anyone wants to see, I am charging to let people see. As a forewarning...I have field dressed deer and not got as grossed out as I did when I saw the inside of a piercing ....mmmm...callouseey... I suppose it could be because it is MY guts instead of something that I am taking apart for food...or in my case amusement. Anyway...The guy that I went to is named Shawn...he is hairy and is located across from the Rolla walmart in a small log cabiney type location. He seems professional, but he is an incompotent ass. I went back to him with problems and he said not to touch it...well I didn't(except when cleaning and my hands were always clean) and this happened. I had my nipples done by a wierd guy on kingshighway in a tatoo parlor by the UNEEK place. He did well and I had no problems. I think that the difference is that the dude on kingshighway knew what he was doing because he does nipples and other stuff and has to take more precautionary measures...whereas shawn must only do navels or something because he doesn't know what he is talking about.
FYI: All things stated are based on my belief and my experiences only. Please research for yourself. IResearch is always better than taking someone else's word for it.