as usual.

Dec 18, 2011 03:44

 Y'all might as well get used to the fact that I only show up here around deadline time.  It's impressive what you can come up with to do when you're busy trying to not do work.

So, I'm on my second freelance assignment.  I can pretty much just keep doing this until I die, it seems - I got excellent feedback for my work, was paid promptly (although waiting for money to clear through oDesk is like waiting for paint to dry), and they handed over a new assignment almost immediately.  Work work work.

However.  I am lazy.  So there you go.

Do I actually get to call myself a freelance writer now?  I was wondering that earlier.  I changed my Facebook profile (you know that makes it official, yo), and it made me feel a bit shiny, but I just don't know if I can go that far yet.  Depending on how long I do this, I will have to claim it for tax reasons - maybe that makes it official?  I dunno.  I'm a dork.

God, shut up Moni, go back to work.
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work, writing, odesk

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