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Mar 01, 2009 09:10

Quick little update

Finished a school term yesterday (well today is the last day, but I was able to get everything before hand). I didn't do quite as well as I would have liked, so I don't get fully reimbursed for the course, but I do get something, which is till good, plus  get reimbursed fro my ridiculously expensive book.

I actually got all sort of money this week. I got my federal tax return back, since i dhad it direct deposited. I also got a quarterly bonus from work. Which was amazing because I didn't even expect it. When some one came through they didn't have one for me, so i figured I probabl didn't get one since i was hired right at the start of last quarter (OCT1) Roberto, the guy training me on the grinder, told me I'd probably get a little bit, So i figured it would be about $50 bucks or so. The actual bonuns I got was over a weeks pay before takes. Then uncle sam helped himself to about 40% of that. Its still all extra income, and I'll get it all back in my taxes, so it's all good, as the kids say. It helps me relax a bit ore with the finaces too, I was able to justify getting a new pair of shoes( or boots rather) since I have a cushion built up again.

Yesterday we had an engagment party for Steph's friend Brandon and his fiance Kevin.  I opted out on over time so i could get my school work out of the way and still help out.  They made a ton of food, most of which we still have. MOst of the people attending were Kevin's friends and family.  They were all really  nice though.   The moher of one of Steph and Brandon's other friends showedup though, and I wanted to slap her. She was being wicked mean to Steph about not having a job and not being in school, saying shit like "I weep for our future" If this woman had done anything in life but get dumped by her alchoholic husband she MIGHT have been justified. She's just an ugly gold digging drug addict. But since she's an "adult" she feels she gets to lecture and parent any one younger than her. I'm just glad she had nothing to say to me, otherwise I wouldn't have held my toungue.

All that asidethe party didn't go poorly. Every one had fun for the most part, and evey one stuffed thier faces. I got a a good joke form one of Kevin's family:

Woman are like a deck of cards...
You need a heart to love them
You need a diamond to marry them
You need a club to beat them
and you need a spade to bury them.

After most of the guests have left we played some beer pong. Nobody could beat Steph's parents. One team got them into a rare bit of overitme, but that was it. One of Brandon's frineds from owrk, this girl sharon, was really good. she got most of the cups in the games she played.  She also had this really cool phone i kinda want, but since I think you can only get it with sprint I probably won't bother.  There was bit of a dramatic episode between Kevin and Brandon towards the end of the evening, something to do with their roomate, but I stayed clear of it.  There were enough people to play councilor/mediator.

Also, this has nothing to do with anything, but through a course of events, I have an extra Cthulhu puppet. (I had ordered two, one at a much better price and was unable to cancel or return the first order) I got te fun idea to donate it Toys for Tots next year.
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