Kick 06.*

Nov 11, 2008 00:34

Yay! I get 82% on math test~!

I very super happy! I really bad at math, I no like studying, so this happy grade for me. ^^() Very happy. No mean thoughts- I dumb. Dx No need telling me. I train and no study- Books booooring.

Edit: Wah! Me get in trouble for short skirt today! Have detention tomorrow.

Me no like long skirts! No comfortable! >.> Restrict! Me work out in short stuff lots, that why. No used to long clothing that not free around legs.

See here.
Oh, and my classmates all so cute. WHY ME NOT CUTE?! Why me so flat. ;____; But me stronger than all. Me kick butt! >D
Bathing suits, yay?
((Not viewable to Pro-Ban))
Wah. Me miss Chinese boy band music. D:

((Oh dear. Ku Fei does not know about the perverts that inhabit this world. Dx))

yay, test

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