Sep 25, 2005 17:32
So I can't really be bothered updating, but I'm bored and I'm not going to do another one of those quizes I always do. Eech. Anyway, life has been (I don't care if I don't spell it right) comme ci comme ca. Although chemistry has been a bit boring. And Dr Holmes really does like the girls more, which I'm not complaning about, but I feel kinda sorry for jamie sometimes when he picks on him. Maths has actually been.. wait for it.. its been almost good. Thank god mrs frisher isn't anything like chisholm, I'd have had a nervous breakdown by now if he was. I can actually ask her stuff without getting all scared she's gonna shout at me and she's just.. generally one heck of a lot better. Geographys crap now. Ooh the gorbals trip. Actually pretty fun :D We got to play in the park and go to greigs. FUN. Considering some didn't get to go to the park. Gotta love mr williamson for appreciating that we are not all totally mature and still like to play in kids playparks :D
Hmmmmmm what else, ooh my whole uni plan thing. I've decided that I'm not going to take a gap year, cause I'll just get out of the disciplined routine and get all lazy. Well lazier than now. And it would be a lot harder cause I won't be able to get a job that requires a lot of brain power at 17, so my brain won't be in the whole working mode. But the whole prospect of being at uni next year is pretty scary. And no way in HELL am I staying at school another year. For many reason - some that can be explained and some that can't - I HATE school. And cannot wait to get out. But anyway, my dad and I were looking at courses, and the main contender so far is accountancy with business law, which has pretty low requirements considering, y'know, what it is. At least it would give me a wide randge of job opportunities. Although I did like the look of psychology with criminology, my dad doesn't want me to cause its not challenging enough. Hmm. A huge part of me wants to get out of glasgow and go to stirling or dundee or st andrews, but then, it might be hard to get a job so it'd be hard to get along. In that sense glasgow seems like a more sensible choice, but if there's going to be quite a lot of people in our year going there then.. I dunno. I wanna escape the year, but not everyone. *sigh*
I've decided not to do the whole UCAS thing within the school. My godmother who works at kelvinside deals with that kind of thing, and said she'd help me out. She also said that she knows hutchie aren't very organised with the uni thing, hence the dates for the final draft are earlier than the actual dates. Meh. And I really can't be bothered with all these meetings and (supposed) homework they give you at them. Like we haven't got enough already. I mean, bombarding us with homework on the first week, not exactly the way to do it. They could have at least gradually built up the homework, instead of lumping it all on and stressing people out. God I like to have a good rant about the school, but I'll stop now.
This is a really boring update, but I'm bored, and no one will listen. Just to clarify that.
Something I'm really loathing right now is attention seeking. Attention seekers. I could go on all day. Ok for some its ok, they may be naturally the centre of attention, but some people try too hard and just look like utter tits. Just when its so blatant, some people so desperate for attention.. GOD it drives me up the wall. Kills me inside.
can't be bothered typing anymore.
I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection. Gap did not call back. In the words of lisa, bleh.
Oh yeah and sorry for any typos I can't be bothered checking.