(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 22:07

ultra-sumo-big Oxford Farm Report news!!!

We've been booked on Wednesday, January 26th at the YWCA... to play with none other than WE VS. THE SHARK!!! I love We Vs. The Shark, and if you haven't heard them, go to their website http://www.wevstheshark.com/, or come see us play on the 26th. You'll be in for a treat.

Also, CD Central will be giving away our CDs shortly, so go grab one while you can. It's a better version of the one we gave out at the show, but it's still just demos. We need to record them with our drummer. And Braun. And Alex. And Me. We just need to re-record it. Period.

And soon, our website will be up and running (under the dumbest domain name EVER)

And apparently there's groupies for OFR already. Like, random kids at Dunbar that know our lyrics. I don't even know our lyrics.

In other musical ventures starring me, I've begun recording my solo stuff. Working under the tentative name "tyl0r, Eh?" (it's been the Amazing Rando for about 2 years, but that name ended up getting stolen...), it's an intresting mix of avant-garde, noize, synth-pop, hip-hop, ragtime, surf-rock, and carnival music. It's going to be awhile before everything is done (we're looking at after-the-moving-is-done type time), but I think it's going to turn out well.
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