man. i really hate politics. this is my last post about them for 4 years... get the fuck over it.

Nov 03, 2004 22:04

i want to clarify that not all republicans are quote-unquote, "fag-haters." nor are all christians, or any other religious group for that matter.

i also want to clarify that i am a republican christian, who did infact vote a big NO on the amendment. i know i'm not the only one who fits in that category either. and even those other "republican christians" who did vote YES on the amendment aren't neccesarily "fag-haters." based upon what christianity says about homosexuals, it is a sin for a man to lay with another man as he would a woman, and it is a sin for a woman to lay with another woman as she would a man. the bible doesn't say that christians should be "fag-haters." i'm not saying i totally agree with the bible's way of handling what "is" a sin and what "isn't" a sin. i feel as though one should be given a choice in the issue. and again, that's why i voted NO on the amendment.

anyways, since you all seem to think that as a nation, we're "totally fucked," i'm going to get the lube. because i'm ready for some action.
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