I had to give my two cents about the experience that was KAF 2006. I have only been a part of Pastimes for two years now but already I feel so connected to a group of people that makes this feel so much more then just rehearsal for a show but more like family. I really have enjoyed the roles I have been given and the chance to get out and express that little itch of acting I feel every now and again. This year really blew me away, think about it people we told a two day story to over hundreds of people in the blaring heat with armor, and each time was able to convey such emotion that we drew everyone in to the world of Arthur and the land of Camelot. I really enjoyed my role this year I felt like it has been my most complex character so far and had a great time playing out his role and his goals over the two days. Actually being able to convey that my character was not "evil" per say but just believed that the choices he made was for a better society. I know all thanks and memories were talked about yesterday but I have to throw mine in.
First off I really have to thank
whaleomlette for giving me the chance to play such an amazing role that was Sagramore, it was so fun portraying his reasons for betrayal and the slow change from good to evil.
Thanks to
coscaram and
fightguy for giving me super cool fights that I really enjoyed even with the extra challenge of armor, especially a big thanks for letting me play with the Warhammer it was very hard to give up in the end.
A big ole thanks to
empheliath for not only making me look badass, but also providing a way for me to have some ventilation while looking bad ass huzzah for gussets!
I really want to thank
dragonkisanth for being my interactive partner in crime. I had so much fun going around terrorizing kids and adults alike. It was a real pleasure working with you and I hope we can do it again in Pirate Faire.
Thanks to the Dark Lord himself
triplehdm for allowing me also have amazing fun interacting. I always knew playing evil was fun but hanging around with you Dan made it hysterical, everything from grossing out the queen to getting me a wife for the majority of the day!
Thanks to my fight partners
angelfire86 and
danielgreyman for a kickass time in the way of fighty. Lauren my love I was so happy for us to fight for the first time and I think we did Lara proud. Rich it was great to pound on you silly with a warhammer but also it was just great to work with you in general there are no real reasons needed you just rock!
Big thanks to
eroika for video tapeing scene 1 and the Good Humors for me now this years DVD will be complete.
And finally a huge thanks to
ketala; not only did you give me and Lauren a great fight but trusted us with it, for providing us with tons of quotes that go along this show forever (Fully Explode!), but just in general for being the amazing caring person that you are I am truly lucky to know you and to be able to call you friend.
And of course thanks to everyone for pulling together truly a memorable show that I am proud to be a part of.
PHEW ok now another thing to mention, with the end of KAF 2006 begins the slow but rewarding process that is the KING ARTHUR FAIRE 2006 DVD! Thanks to my brother and his friend (and Jess) I was able to get both days worth of scenes, interactive events, and various indie acts. So I now must begin the long process of converting, digitizing, and editing. This year it will be slightly different; instead of my brother tapeing all the performances he brought a friend and this year the entire show will have a two shot set up! So while it will take a long time to go through it all and we may not see it until Christmas time again, I do believe its going to come out great. I have already looked at some of the footage and it looks good very very good, and I have already have ideas in my head for layouts and goodies (all ready a trailer is laid out in my head and I am thinking of more easter eggs). So all I ask is for your patience and I will try to have a video memory of a marvelous show out as soon as possible.
And I believe that is about it I would like to say this is now my time to relax but I would be lying. With KAF done I am now in rehearsal for Dan's next show Demonslayer, and soon Pirate faire starts up as well. The summer is quickly coming to a close and as it gets closer I am going to be much busier with Theatre, Travel, and work for school but damn it I know I am going to enjoy every moment of it.
Ok this was a long entry I rest now.
........ OH yea today I got my new piercing with Lauren an Industrial on my right ear, its swollen and red but I really do love it. Ok now I am done for serious this time.