A very active morning

Jun 29, 2013 14:10

Four martial arts classes today, starting at 8:15 AM. This is how it went.

9:00 AM - A 5 and a half year old asserts that "this was the hardest day EVER" after the Little Tigers program.

I guess I'm doing my job right.

10:35 AM - The Tang Soo Do students were in good spirits today, so I challenged them using padded sword and shield. They lost. I mean, yeah, they still gave it their best and I'm proud of them, but they lost.

11:30 AM - Weapons practice completed! No one was mortally wounded! Yay!!

12:36 PM - The kung fu students were focused and diligent in their forms and overall pretty low key. I woke them up with some attacks using (padded) staff and spear, and let them use the wood staff against me while I was unarmed. I got a bruise or two, so hooray for them! Now I'm off for the day and in dire need of a shower.
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