I'm, perhaps, not recovering as fast as I'd like.
Barely made it to weapons class on time today. Mornings now seem to consist of palpable inertia and spite, determined to delay me from getting my monkey-tocks in gear, but that may well change when I get my APAP stuff on Monday.
Weapons class was particularly challenging; usually bo and sword forms don't take quite so much out of me, but I found myself completely spent at the end of a few repetitions. To be honest, I'm rather tired of having the illness as an excuse why I'm not my best, and though it's a perfectly legitimate and understandable explanation, I expect more out of me. Congestion, low energy, etc? Bah! I've fought matches while having a broken finger, an injured eye, and/or pulled groin, so I'll be damned if some paltry 'recovery' brings me down!
When regular class started, well, that's when I hit my limit. Having an indomitable spirit may be a virtue, but if one isn't getting oxygen to the body due to heavy phlegm congestion in the lungs it's all for naught. After (barely) completing my open hand forms, I take a break to recover... and really never quite get there. We're given the rest of the class for free study to work on whatever we want, and I chose to take out one of the spinning sweep kick targets to help with one of my weaker moves in So Hyung. My thought was to take my time, line up my kicks, and be both productive and relaxed. After one sweep, I stand up************
Suddenly I find I'm on the ground again. Apparently, I passed out for just a moment.
Well, then! I'm told by one of the other students that even though I blacked out and fell, I managed to fall correctly to minimize damage. Huh. Go me? I dunno, but that was pretty much it for my day at class. I awkwardly bowed out, rested up a minute, and headed home to a highly concerned
dr_tectonic who promptly plants food and drink before me. I'll be okay, but man, I could really use a nap about now. Oof.