New specs!

Oct 04, 2011 22:05

These are the old specs: memory metal frames with small, round lenses.

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Comments 6

dcseain October 5 2011, 12:58:44 UTC
Anti-glare coating on the inside of the lens is your friend. You're looking good, as per usual, and I like the new ones.


kung_fu_monkey October 6 2011, 00:13:54 UTC
Well, live and learn on the coating issue. I'll keep it mind for next time. Thanks for compliment!


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kung_fu_monkey October 6 2011, 00:14:48 UTC
I think I would have been happier if they weren't quite so wide, but I'm definitely a fan of the color changing lenses.


detailbear October 5 2011, 19:35:53 UTC
They look very good.

I see you may be nearly as near-sighted as I am. I avoid 3/4 shots and go for closer to straight on, so the refraction doesn't show daylight on the outside of my head. ;-)


kung_fu_monkey October 6 2011, 00:18:20 UTC
My visual handicap is -12 and -13, left and right respectively. Add to that astigmatism, floaters, light sensitivity, degeneration of retinal connection, and a newly found cataract, and you can see why I'm really picky about my glasses and contacts.

Most of the above just gets filtered out when I'm in my martial arts class, I'm happy to say. I focus on body posture, movements, and let my reflexes do much of the work. Of course, I wear soft contacts for the KF classes as I *need* the peripheral vision.


thedragonweaver October 6 2011, 04:11:15 UTC
I am amused that the first picture is ever-so-slightly out of focus, while the second is not.


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