The Collection

Jul 06, 2011 22:27

I've had a handful of folk tell me that they missed my write-ups for the One Game, One Day, One Year project. Hey, me too; I enjoyed the writing, the retro-gaming, and the praise or snark that would emerge. As I mentioned, I felt that my retro games were rather out of touch with what's happening in modern gaming, and being unemployed prevented me from trying out the newest materials. (I'm just dying to try out Child of Eden for the Xbox Kinect!)

However, as there are some titles that I actually do feel the need to purchase, I found myself at the point where I had to liquidize portions of my Collection to acquire said titles and the OGODOY project helped me find which ones were the first to leave my house. the Collection is now down to under the 365 mark, meaning that the OGODOY project is now impossible to accomplish, which is fine as this is all an embarassment of riches anyway. What I'm going to do is convert the OGODOY project to a new proejct simply called "The Collection." These are still games that I own, but I won't need to do them on some preposterous schedule.

In short: no income, no more OGODOY, now it's Collection. My next entry covers the title I picked up today.

games, ogodoy, the collection, review

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