Things I am thinking of doing! o/

Apr 17, 2010 18:38

Apparently it is a season for signups! I… sort of think I want to participate. I mean, I do not think that I would be able to write 10k of even vaguely kinky stuff (though loyalty uh maybe? I dunno). But I think I could probably do 10k of gamefic for one story! Probably! I just… have to pick a story that I think has ten thousand in it. *laughs* It would be kind of exciting I think though! (Projects!)

But I am just behind on words in general so.

Uhhh as far as that goes, anyway, I think- I think there could possibly be 10k in that one fairy tale thing. I mean, there is sort of an invasion going on in the background (how exactly did the king get sick, after all?) only… politics is not my forte. It would probably involve a lot of that, sob. And I haven't even completely worked out the castles… (see it makes sense for the bird to be in the one with the ghosts rather than the horse! only in terms of actually getting things, ehhhhh…)

I would also like to get on Adventures of Highwind sometime! Only that is horribly self-indulgent I think and work I am less sure of where to start on! But someday! I think. I would like to! Or I could just write something silly involving those guys, that was… pretty much my first idea I think? I want to do that.

And then I need to work out what the hell is with Team Derp (…and Team Obnoxious, too, yeah) but that is also incredibly self-indulgent and also kind of embarrassing ahhhh so uh I think probably not for this!

…incidentally I think that that may possibly end up picking up more on the critters' thinkings than I was thinking, but that is cool! Possibly also due to what I've been trying to think about in regards to the story too so yeah.

Besides that I kind of also want to get back into RP properly (…still!) but ahhhhh I don't know where to start. …it would probably also help if I had a stronger idea of who I wanted to app! :|a (besides Riesz I mean and I kind of need to actually work on her voice sometime so uh that's not much help really.) So I guess maybe canons I want to do something with would be a good start (I… think I might be interested in playing Angela somewhere? I don't know).

…and maybe someone from Tales of Phantasia. If I ever. Actually finish that. I hate this button-pressing room SO MUCH. Aaaagh, Arche, we're supposed to try and get through the room! also man I am not looking forward to facing Dhaos again.

…I keep half-thinking I'd like to app into a cast, too, but… I am not sure who would lend themselves to that :|a

…actually, someone remind me I probably shouldn't app at Camp. I'm pretty sure I'm not a good match.

challenges!, rp, to do, writing

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