Feb 28, 2010 23:03
…uh, so filling out the rest of those prompts hasn't exactly happened. All me. I should think about some better way of measuring actual progress and stuff, I think I'm behind on copper_penny too. :|a I am just… not sure how to jig this so that I'll actually… feel good/bad about all this (beyond the 'letting myself down' sort of thing which is kind of crap by itself but well).
…iiiit probably has something to do with getting eaten by fandom again (…kind of), anyway. On the bright side, I've started to get somewhere with the fairytale thing (still iffy on the beginning, though, and I think they'd rather talk about the ghost castle) and some stuff that sort of has to do with bits in-between those two games. Someday I'm gonna find a copy of the other one and actually play it (and see if I can get some sort of sense out of it), I swear. Oh, and NTP'll be starting… managed to pull together a couple of lists. o/?
Also… I think I should find something to write Angela in. That isn't a Camp application that's bound to be a bad idea. Maybe I should've put her on a list… but that sort of thing…
Eh, I keep wanting to do an AU where things went badly… but I don't think I've put enough thought into coming up with any, so that's kind of… Jack wouldn't go too well, I think.
Eh, well. See if I can get one of the short things done tomorrow.
challenge: no true pair,
to do,
trigger + cross = ?,