Sep 30, 2005 16:34
Mendez: This kid I know just got kicked out.
Me: How's that?
Mendez: He was a dealer here, and he was dumb. Bought in bulk. Got caught with a shitload of weed. That was his last strike.
Me: Last strike? So how many strikes d'you get? Three?
Mendez: You get two.
Me: For what?
Zenryu: Drugs and alchohol, mainly. But there's smaller stuff you can do too.
Mendez: Yeah. Cheating and lying are pretty big.
Zenryu: You don't get strikes for lying.
Mendez: You don't?
Zenryu: They'll put you through the Honor Court and throw you right out.
Me: Huh, seriously?
Zenryu: Seriously. I knew this guy, he needed this book for biology. The teacher kept asking him if he'd bought it yet, 'cause it was pretty clear he hadn't been reading anything. He kept telling her he had. So, one day the class is required to bring in their books. He runs down to the school store and buys it... but some other kid in the class saw him do it. Little rat tells the teacher, and he ends up getting kicked out.
Me: Kicked out. As in, gone? Expelled? For good?
Zenryu: Yep.
Mendez: Heh, yeah. I remember that now.
Me: Wait, so do they get any money back or anything?
Mendez: Nope. None.
Me: So that's like 30k down the drain, for something like that...?
Mendez: Yup. They're pretty serious about that Honor Code shit.
Zenryu: Every so often... there are freshman who come here, pay the full four-year price, and get kicked out the first year.
Mendez: Kind of a waste.
Me: No shit...