All arbitrary passwords generated about this software are to hand on your regional computer only. No passwords are transferred over the Internet. Note, in any event, that cold and pasting the development to complete a watchword modulation force do a moonlight flit a replication of the changed password in your clipboard buffer. Protect yourself through clearing the clipboard at times the mutation is unabated, or unpretentiously copy the sequel manually.
Because JavaScript does not take under one's wing alternatives looking for the origin of the successors run down value, this utility as likely as not last will and testament profit by a set value from your computer's clock (depending on your browser's implementation of JavaScript or JScript). So in theory, at least, someone could use this program to engender the same passwords alongside simulating the precise times your passwords were generated.
Note that the characters in your passwords are generated identical at a time, so other factors will affect the outcome. As a service to pattern, because your computer is busy with diverse tasks at any given mo (unless you are operation PC-DOS or something equally unacceptable), the precise chance a assumed character is generated would precisely be absurd to predict.
For all that, if you are paranoid -- or protecting authority secrets, in which happening you are paid to be paranoid -- you can manually variation entire or more characters in preference to changing your password.
See also
password generation