Nov 27, 2006 01:33
I love seeing friends. In the month of November not only did I see my family over in China… but I got to see Chris, Marika, Helyna, and Cal. Three from California and one from Washington. Awesome. I need to move out to the West coast. I also got to see a couple people that are in Colorado but I don’t see often... Valerie, Elizabeth, Amy and Joe. I love hanging out with friends. It makes me realize and remember how I really am and how people can change you, not necessarily for the better.
Aside from seeing friends, so many people are getting married. My friend Rob just got hitched, well had a reception up in Fort Collins. I bought a bridesmaid dress for Valerie’s wedding next year. Charity called me today and told me she got engaged on Thanksgiving. Rachel’s been engaged for a year. Laura just got back from Hawaii, no ring, but I am sure it will be there soon. Karin and Josh next June. Kirsten and Gary in the mountains next summer too. Ron DePoty!! Everyone! My weekends are going to be filled with weddings. Time to save up money for presents. Ha. And I’ll get one fabulous dress and wear it to all of them.
Been thinking/trying to go on some dates, but I don’t know if I really want to. I have the opportunity(ies) but I just don’t know. Don’t really miss the whole dating thing, but I do miss the coming home to someone. You have to go through one to get the other… Plus there are some people I just really want to date but it seems like there are too many obstacles in the way. Maybe I’m not trying hard enough but at the same time I feel like I am the only one trying. Heh. Oh well. If it’s meant to be it will happen. You can only do so much.
Looking, well scratch that… Should be looking or another job but I haven’t really started. Should be studying for the GREs too. I just know that what I want to do isn’t in Colorado but I don’t want to leave quite yet. And I definitely don’t want to leave my brother here. Ish…that would be hard, but something I most likely will have to do sooner or later.
I don’t know. Just don’t want to deal with life for awhile but I really can’t afford to do that. Heh. Stupid money. Well it is time for dinner. Later.